Hello everyone. I'm new to this site, so apologies if this is the wrong place to ask. I just picked up what I believe is a 21' 1964 Continental... or maybe a Super Sport? from this brochure they look so similar. What is the intended difference in the CC lineup from that era? Is the Super Sport actualy just a Continental with a bigger engine?
Here's a link to the 1964 Full Fleet catalog from the archives with both boats shown in them: https://ccabc.blob.core.windows.net/arc ... atalog.pdf
My boat is similar, but the deck vents look a little different, and I have mahogany on the top deck. I plan to contact the mariners museum when they reopen, but I can't find the HIN anywhere on the boat so I'm not sure how much they'll be able to help. Here's a link to the one I've got. Any input would be appreciated: https://photos.app.goo.gl/fTVVjMgtwh16aLT5A

Difference between Continental and Super Sports?
Moderator: Mariners
Re: Difference between Continental and Super Sports?
It looks to me that the 2 hulls are identical. The SuperSport has the mahogany on the front deck like yours but it has white accents on the hull sides. I think you have the super sport . Hull numbers are often on the stringer just aft of the engine or on the deck beam behind the top of the rear seat back. This site will not let me post photos but the super sport serial number should be CUC-21-***. The Continental would be CUB-21-***. Only 10 Continentals were made. 125 21' Supersports were made from 1964-1967
1930 Chris-Craft Model 100 20' "MOXIE"
1946 Chris-Craft Sportsman 25' "CinCity"
1946 Chris-Craft Sportsman 25' "CinCity"
Re: Difference between Continental and Super Sports?
Thanks for the Reply, Jim. For some reason these links are broken. Any chance you can try to repost?
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