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Stain color opinion?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:14 pm
by JacobErdey
Hello there, being an opinion question, I'm sure there will be a hundred different answers...but here goes. So from what I've gathered, the correct stain color for my 1950 18' Sportsman would be Interlux 573 Chris-Craft Mahogany. But as original as it may look, that color comes out a bit too bright almost "orange" for my liking. I even made a sample of half 573 and half Interlux 42 Brown Mahogany, which seemed a little more rich mahogany in color, but still very much almost orange. Is there a certain stain mixture that you all prefer? I know I don't want it too dark, but the orangish shade is a little much. And I do want to stick to a filler stain, just not sure what exact colors I should order. Any input is greatly appreciated

Re: Stain color opinion?

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:06 am
by Howard Lehman
As you stated, opinions will vary. If you have any intentions of showing your boat at judged events, varying from "original" will result is loss of some points. Some will say varying from original color stain, upholstery color and pattern, bottom paint etc., especially in the more "collectible models of boats", will also affect resale. As it is your boat, you have every right to do your boat your way. Any stain will look different after the sealer coats and several varnish coats are applied over the stain. Experienced restorers suggest using several samples of stained boards of your boat's species of wood (I assume some type of mahogany) with different stain colors/formulas of stains, then add sealer and at least 4 coats of varnish to see how each sample looks to you. Also, take the samples out into the sunlight to best examine the colors as boats are used in natural light. Of course, if you use formulas of mixed stain colors, make sure you mark that exact formula on/by each sample. Personally, I like the mixture of #573 and # 42, 3 to 1, but there are MANY opinions. Good luck with your boat and have fun with it. Regards, Howard

Re: Stain color opinion?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:33 pm
by rpccc43
Not a filler stain, but I've achieved the color I wanted using Minwax Sedona Red. It's more of the red mahogany look vs the orange hue of the CC filler stain which I don't care for either. I used it mostly inside the boat but I did my rub rails with it and it looks great. Use a stain conditioner first to achieve uniform color. I let the stain sit for some time before rubbing it off and get exactly the color I prefer. Good luck!