New member here!
I joined because I am the new owner of a 1978 Chris Craft, 17', Lancer-Stinger. (That has yet to see water because there is a lot of sorting out to be done first...)
The poor thing has been sitting on a trailer for over 10 years (that I can account for) with a weak number 5 cylinder. No one has even looked at her, for at least that long, if not longer. (She used to be called "Julia" and was originally registered in New York state, somewhere.
So, if anyone remembers a 17' Lancer-Stinger named Julia... (please let me know!)
About the gift... I have always been told, it is just the polite thing to do, when you go to someone's house to bring something.
To pass the time and as a side business, I do Graphic Design. (And, some folks say I'm pretty good too...) So, with me coming to the CCABC "house" for the first time, I would like to offer, (to anyone who wants to follow up on this...) a poster I created. It is a reproduction of the Chris Craft, two page ad, that appeared in the December, 1975 - "Boating" magazine. (pages 56 and 57 if you have the issue).
Here is an image of the poster, and underneath it are the instructions about how to reproduce a 24"X 36" copy at your local Staples, Office Depot, FedEx or UPS Store... It makes a great wall poster for your garage, man cave or den and would be a great gift, if you know a Chris Craft fan (and who knows where you might be able to find one of those around here...)!?!

So, here's the instructions... Click on this link ... aft-ad.pdf and, when asked, download the PDF file. (Your computer may just open the file...) If that happens. just right click on the file and click "Save As". (Control click on a Mac).
Save it to you computer or save it directly to a flash drive. Then take it or send it to the store of your choice for printing. Ask them to print it out on photo quality paper. (about $25 in most places) Then go pick it up, frame it for your wall... That's it!
Print and enjoy!