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Your Board of Directors needs 3 new members !!

This is a focused discussion area for information unique to Chris-Craft's Commander Division.

Moderators: Don Ayers, Al Benton, Don Vogt

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Paul P
Posts: 622
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:48 pm
Location: Nashville, Tennessee, Cumberland River and Lake system

Your Board of Directors needs 3 new members !!

Post by Paul P » Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:44 pm

Hello Everyone !!

I am placing this note on top of all of our Boat Buzz categories in order for the best exposure.

Your Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club needs a few good men or women, to serve as board members.

Board meetings are held by teleconference each month, agendas are emailed out in advance, decisions and directives are voted upon to help keep our club strong. Usual tasks at hand are management of our web site, facebook, financial strength, public relations, sponsorship, membership, and publication of The Brass Bell.

Anyone interested and willing to "give back" to our club with some volunteer service on the board, please send a note to [email protected], or you can send me a note and I will relay it accordingly.

Paul Pletcher
1956 17' CC Sportsman, 300-hp
1957 17' CC Sportsman, 95-hp
1966 20' CC fiberglass Sea Skiff, 210-hp+
1973 23' CC Lancer inboard project, 427/375-hp.
1966 38' CC Commander Express, 427/300-hp(2)

So many little time.....but what a way to go!!

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