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my "new Thompson cabin cruiser

This is a general discussion area for those who are interested in Chris-Craft's connection with the legendary marque, Thompson.

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my "new Thompson cabin cruiser

Post by Thommyboy » Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:36 am

Here's an image of my "new" Thompson project. She's a 1959 Thompson of Peshtigo, WI Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser with 18'-8" centerline length. She has her issues, so I'll be spending the next year getting her back in ship shape!




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Bill Basler
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Post by Bill Basler » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:54 am

Andreas, I just ran across this post. Looks like a great project. One more for your driveway.

I get a kick out of the flying bridges on these small cruisers—as if nothing says cruiser like a flybridge. :lol:

My guess is that the trailer is darn near original to the boat, if not original. I had an early 60s tri-hull with the exact same trailer, same decals, same black and white paint.
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Post by Thommyboy » Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:41 am

Hi Bill,

That trailer is a 1980s Spartan. Nothing special.

The trailer that was under this boat was a homemade job. The bunks were 12 inches short of the transom. So you can imagine the hog she created in the hull after sitting for 18 years. She had a 105 Chrysler outboard motor hanging on the transom all this time.

I'm just starting to dig into this boat. ROT ROT ROT. She'll need new transom, new keel, new keelson, new stringers, lots of new ribs, new garboard planks...

Andreas - freezing in Minneapolis

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Bill Basler
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Post by Bill Basler » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:25 pm

Andreas, any progress over the winter?
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Post by Thommyboy » Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:28 am

Nope, way too busy with work.


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Post by Wilson Wright » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:30 am


Saw a Thompson at the Apalach show that you ought to have.

Had lapstrake half way up from bottom...Never saw one like that before...
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Mark Christensen
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Post by Mark Christensen » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:19 am

that's sweet andreas. What are you bringing to the show this year? I want an 18'-19' cabin cruiser someday. twin 'b' engines, oh that would be so sweet.
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Got one too!

Post by Thompsonite » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:09 pm

Finally joined up after seeing your project on the site. Did mine about 20 years ago. Just did a bit of a refit and took it to the Port Townsend Wa Wooden Boat Festival. Was a blast!

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Post by Al Benton » Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:54 pm

Jim, welcome to Boat Buzz. I guess Andres is busy or he would have seen this. Your Thompson is very nice looking. It appears to be the same as his. I elected to reply to this thread so your new topic will stay on top, he's more likely to see it that way. Very nice!!!


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Post by Thommyboy » Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:05 pm

Hi, Nice boat. What year and length is she?

Numerous differnt details from my '59 Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser.

What is the hull ID and serial number (they are different) for the database I maintain? The hull ID is stamped into the wood of the transom inside the boat and the serial number is on the metal builder's plate.

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Post by Thompsonite » Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:49 pm

Hi Andreas, As far as I can tell she is a 61, about 18'4, somewhere in there as I had to take off about an inch and a half with the transom change. So rotten I did not see any numbers. The nameplate S/N is 20826 Peshtigo. I guessed at the 61 as I was the first to title it in 1990 as the mfg stamp in the front windows said 12 60. There is a very slim chance I have the transom part with the numbers, very slim. I am interested in how the interior, outside, was, as I had to adlib that one. Also, someone had put in a Sharkomatic 800, plugged the transom with a bit of plywood and installed 2 18 gallon tanks in the sidewalls. I liked the idea and ran with it, building the transom the same as original but taller. The 80hp 2 stroke Chrysler was worn out so I installed a 1973 Datsun pickup engine, 1600cc, 85hp, fwc. Liked that so much I rebuilt it recently and upgraded some of my home stuff to marine. Most of the details were there, thank goodness, but I removed the pitted chrome and just polish the aluminum now and then. Trailer is a 1966 Dilly I just put new axles on and rebuilt the tongue. That came with the boat. I am wondering how many of these things are out there as I can't find much on the net. Jim

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Post by Thommyboy » Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:19 am

Thompson of Peshtigo serial number 20826 falls into the 1961 model year range. Of course, the hull ID stamped into the transom is the defining item needed to verify the year.

I have never heard of a Thompson Boat having any type of ID on the windshield.

In 1961 centerline length of the Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser is 18'-8" with gunwale length of 19'10". The Sea Lane Cabin Cruiser is 21'-8" centerline and 22'-10" gunwale length. The Sea Lancer Express Cruiser was not yet part of the line up - at about 17'-2" centerline length. probably have the Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser

The inboard/outboard was not available from the factory on this model at that time, so someone changed it from an outboard.

You can purchase on CD-ROM the brochures from Thompson Boat at and

A 1961 Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser, serial number 20837, was listed on eBay for auction on 13 June 2005 at Olympia, WA.

I have five Off-Shore Cabin Cruisers in my database, now six including yours. I know of only two Sea Lane Cabin Cruisers, one of which is in Portland, OR. I am aware of three Sea Lancer Express Cabin Cruisers.

My cruiser is in the process of restoration. She needs MAJOR work.

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Post by Thommyboy » Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:23 am


I assume you are aware of


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61 Thompson

Post by Thompsonite » Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:33 am

All of the windshield glass panels have a mfg stamp in the lower corner. Temper Tuf, Hamilton Glass Co, Chicago,AS-2, 12-60. I know the I/O is not original, I just worked with what I had in 1990, and like the setup. At least it is a Sharkomatic! I know about Dockside. From your description of yours, I can relate to the work ahead of you. I will eventually have to face doing the bottom, so far I took out the floor panel, added oak crossbracing, shored up one suspect area in the keel, and made a grid of removeable plywood panels. So far the hull is tight and migration on the trailer is minimal. Put in a BIG bilge pump! I cruise in Puget Sound, so the 1600 Datsun with 36 gal goes a long way. Tops out at 25, plane at 17, cruise 18-20. The seats I built have tons of storage, but still would like to see the original setup, and always wonder what all those rows of holes were for in the bulkhead. After this last refit, have not been on the water for 3 years, we are launching for sea trials on Sunday. Jim

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