Thompson of Peshtigo serial number 20826 falls into the 1961 model year range. Of course, the hull ID stamped into the transom is the defining item needed to verify the year.
I have never heard of a Thompson Boat having any type of ID on the windshield.
In 1961 centerline length of the Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser is 18'-8" with gunwale length of 19'10". The Sea Lane Cabin Cruiser is 21'-8" centerline and 22'-10" gunwale length. The Sea Lancer Express Cruiser was not yet part of the line up - at about 17'-2" centerline length. probably have the Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser
The inboard/outboard was not available from the factory on this model at that time, so someone changed it from an outboard.
You can purchase on CD-ROM the brochures from Thompson Boat at and
A 1961 Off-Shore Cabin Cruiser, serial number 20837, was listed on eBay for auction on 13 June 2005 at Olympia, WA.
I have five Off-Shore Cabin Cruisers in my database, now six including yours. I know of only two Sea Lane Cabin Cruisers, one of which is in Portland, OR. I am aware of three Sea Lancer Express Cabin Cruisers.
My cruiser is in the process of restoration. She needs MAJOR work.
[email protected]