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XK22 under seat storage bin

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XK22 under seat storage bin

Post by rgmxk22 » Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:31 pm

Hi all, This is for anyone that owns an XK22 and might have the optional storage bin that goes under the lower center cushion of the back seat. From the sales literature, CC offered one as an option on the XK22s and I actually saw one once on a XK22 that was for sale at a brokerage.

Unfortunately, this was in the days before cell phone cameras so I don't have a photo of the bin. But if you aren't familiar with it, I think it was about 10"-12"deep and just fit into the hole that is under the rear seat cushion and held in place by a flanged lip that kept it from dropping down into the bilge.

So I am hoping that maybe someone has one of these on their boat and would be willing to post a few phots of it. I am considering trying to make one out of fiberglass, but it would be very helpful if I had a photo of an original to go by or even some measurements you might be able to supply.

So if you can help out, I thank you in advance for your time to post any pics.

R. Michael
72 XK22

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