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XK22 350FLV Fuel Decal

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XK22 350FLV Fuel Decal

Post by rgmxk22 » Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:15 pm

Hi all, I am looking into having the fuel recommendation decal that CC placed on the end of one valve cover on the 350FLV engine. I have an original style decal like this already, but it's not for the right octane rating for the gas in this engine. So does anyone with the 320 HP 350FLV in their XK still have that decal on the engine? If so, I'd love to see a picture of it so maybe I can move forward on getting some reproduced.

Someone shared a picture of the decal from their early 350FLV with the 370 HP rating, but I would like to be sure what octane rating CC wanted on the 320HP version.

Ron Michael
1972 CC XK22

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