The Brass Bell

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The Brass Bell

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The Brass Bell

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The Brass Bell

Chris Craft Antique Boat Club Membership

The Brass Bell - Celebrating Over 40 Years in Publication

The Brass Bell is the Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club magazine, and one of the main benefits of club membership. An extremely high-quality publication, The Brass Bell is the award-winning flagship periodical for all antique and classic boat admirers.

Circulation to Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club members is nearly 2,000 copies with an additional 500 of each issue distributed to prospective members, at boat shows, and at special events and locations. The Brass Bell is printed quarterly.

Each issue is full of stories, photographs, and historical documentation targeted specifically to the classic boat enthusiast. Typical feature stories might cover a family history with a very special Chris-Craft or an article by one of the top restorers in the country. There are also regular columns in each issue like the Member Profile which highlights the life of one of our members and Take the Helm which puts you in the driver’s seat of a boat you may not have seen before. And, there are regular columnists with their stories of history and of the boating life. None of these should be missed!



Brass Bell

Highlights from a typical issue of The Brass Bell:

Boat Buzz

Take the Helm. A recent issue focused on the very rare 1940 “Green and White” 25-foot Chris-Craft Cruiser owned by member Dick Werner. What an unusual and rare boat!

Boat Buzz

Science Column. Seb Borrello, The Brass Bell science editor, explained the effects and benefits of the much debated oil options in our cherished vessels.

Boat Buzz

Family History. We learned the history of the Roy-Al-IV and how it’s been a family character for four generations.

Wake Up Your Passion
Chris Craft Antique Boat Club Membership

The Brass Bell is continuously making strides to benefit our readers. Join the Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club today, and The Brass Bell will greet you at your mailbox every quarter. Have a story or expertise to share for a future article?

Contact The Brass Bell editor.



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Wake Up Your Passion
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