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Original Barracuda kit

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Original Barracuda kit

Post by wiggerst » Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:48 pm

Hi all, new to this forum, but want to get out there that I have an original (1958, I think) CC Baracuda kit in the original boxes. Short history: grandfather purchased two in Missouri, one was built by my father in the late 50’s and enjoyed by our family for a couple of decades. That one is gone, but the second kit was stored in a basement in Illinois. I recently moved it to Port Angeles, Wa, where the boxes are currently sitting in my garage. Box #1 has the precut framing, assembly instructions, and fasteners. Box #2 is a large palate of plywood and I think mahogany, and also serves as the framing jig. Additional hardware/rigging is not included, dad recalls that was sold separately.
Current plan is to let the kit acclimate to a new environment for a while, and ultimately assemble it, but wanted to get the info out there. I have done a fairly extensive online search, and see many stories of restorations, but no info on any remaining unbuilt kits. Is this the last one, and if so, what is the historical value? Wondering if it’s worth trying to copy (physically or electronically) the kit.

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