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My first brush with Century

This is a general discussion area for those who are interested in Chris-Craft's connection with Century Boats.

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Bill Basler
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Post by Bill Basler » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:40 am

I could arguably say that my first brush with almost owning a wooden boat came in 1983, just off Beach Road in Door County, WI. On a quick exploration of the property that was for sale across the street, I came across an old Resorter, under a tarp. Glass Windshield, not plastic, and plank (as I recall) not plywood. Aside from being under a brown canvas tarp that was covered with lichen, and pieces of firewood to weight it down, it had enough branches and pine needles on it to keep her well hidden.

I did not drag that boat home, but I thought about it for months. I am sure that the cost would have been free, or negligible.

I have often wondered what happened to that old Century.
Bill Basler

mcisaac inc
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Post by mcisaac inc » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:42 am

:D i was just thinking in terms of production numbers or boats produced...............mark

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Matt Smith
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Post by Matt Smith » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:49 am

The century design team was clearly a more fun place to work. It looks like they did not take them selves so seriously. And the result is some very cool iconic boats.
1948 25' Chris Craft Sportsman
1937 16' Special Racer
1968 40' Rice Trawler
1968 11' Crab Skiff
2018 Hole in my head

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Ken Miller
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Post by Ken Miller » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:36 pm

The Century design team grew up and had kids of their own.........all those kids grew up and formed a totally different design team. You know........they do those Escalades with the 24" rims, 11 plasma screens, stereo components you can hear thumping in the next zip code........

1951 Chris Craft U-22-1705 "Miss Cynthia"

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Matt Smith
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Post by Matt Smith » Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:26 am

And 20 years from now, no one is going to care about a Ford Explorer, and pay big bucks for that Escalade. Thats the power and curse of a more trendy design.
1948 25' Chris Craft Sportsman
1937 16' Special Racer
1968 40' Rice Trawler
1968 11' Crab Skiff
2018 Hole in my head

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Post by 1971vet » Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:05 am

:) Every wooden boater should have a Century in the garage! I have a 1960 Coronado that I had to have when I saw one of the gaudiest looking boats in history. Yes the Century boats are a little weaker in hulls and transoms but when restored properly they will last like Chris Crafts. They are a boat that was made for speed and engine offerings show this. I love my Chris Craft but the Century is a very fun and unique ride as well. A side note the early glass boats like Arabians will bring as good of price as early Chris Craft glass. Century owners clubs aren't as wide spread as Chris Crafts but they are a fun group. One last thought - my Coronado engine carbs are the same as the 53 Corvette and Corvairs - oops maybe I shouldn't hang my hat on that one!! PS: Bill I hope to see you at our Clear Lake Iowa boat show on July 19th!!

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